Dear Microsoft: Please Give Us Back “Discard changes” in the New SharePoint Page Editing Mode

Dear Microsoft: Please Give Us Back “Discard changes” in the New SharePoint Page Editing Mode

Recently as I’ve been editing SharePoint pages, I’ve noticed that the Discard changes button is missing in the toolbar. It’s a tiny little thing, and I just assumed that it was an occasional bug. But now that the new experience has rolled out to more tenants I work in, I’ve realized it’s a real change, not just a bug.

I’m Switching from ‘Sync’ to ‘Add shortcut to OneDrive’ – and Why

I’m Switching from ‘Sync’ to ‘Add shortcut to OneDrive’ – and Why

One of the downsides of being immersed in the Microsoft 365 platform is I develop habits based on how the platform worked historically. One of these is my choice to use Sync with Document Libraries exclusively, instead of Add shortcut to OneDrive. (Note that the language on this “button” has changed over time, but as…

Reindexing SharePoint Content Manually – and an Indication of Improvements on the Horizon

Reindexing SharePoint Content Manually – and an Indication of Improvements on the Horizon

If you’ve been using SharePoint for a while, you know that newly added content may not show up in search results immediately. These days, you my most directly notice this with News Posts in roll up News Web Parts or simply using the Microsoft Search box at the top of every page. Microsoft 365 had…